Do you remember the days in college when everything was very sharp and clear. You didn't forget things like where you put your phone, at least not 5 times a day, or important things like a test that you've studied endlessly for. I can't remember those days because I can barely remember to put bread out to thaw for the morning or to check the weather for Emma's field trip. I am just way up in the clouds these days. Maybe I feel that way because the last couple of days have been intense.
Today I accidentally did a sprint workout. I know. weird. I plan my schedule out a week a head of time, and check it every day, usually more than once a day. I woke up at 5:00 and went to spin class at 6:00. It was a great class. I really pushed myself. For some reason, I thought I was supposed to do another run workout which I did this afternoon. It was very hard too. So now my legs are overworked and sore.
There is a science behind all this which I don't totally understand, but Mark does. It has to do with my endurance vs. intensity. At first you want to build your endurance, and as you get closer to your race raise the intensity level and lower the endurance. And rest quite a bit towards the end. I just try to do what Mark tells me. So at this point in time I am doing more high intensity shorter workouts. Hopefully they will help me get faster.
Today's STATS: Spin Class: 1 hour, around 12 miles
Run: 50 min. 3, 4 min intervals, 5 miles.
2 weeks ago
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