I'm pretty sure that this should not be my favorite thing I do in a week, but it is. About twice a week, I get to play basketball at the church. Everyday I do, I go home on a high. There is nothing like this sport, and I feel so lucky that I get to play. I know what you're thinking, 'woah, it is just basketball, you might be a little obsessed'. You moms out there know about the monotony of our lives. Maybe I shouldn't generalize.
I feel the monotony of my life. Yes it is busy, and I have three kids that are constantly being funny, naughty, cute, amazing, annoying, etc. They keep me on my toes, but sometimes the days can blend together of making food, cleaning up food, and doing laundry. I'm not complaining. I wouldn't trade my life for any other. The thing that breaks my days up is basketball. I get to spend an hour using my brain in a completely different way. I get to push myself, sweat, be rough and strong (although recently I was accused of not having any effect when I foul someone). I get to be aggressive and competitive, and it is an hour just for me. I don't think about how I'm going to get Gabriel to eat something other than cereal, or how to get Emma to talk without an attitude. Really, how lucky am I that I get to do my
most favorite thing twice a week? To clarify - I am not saying I am really good, especially compared to the men, I'm just saying I love it. I sometimes wonder where other women get this kind of thrill and enjoyment. I know that I am an anomaly when it comes to this. When I was in high school, my mom always said that I would never be able to use basketball later in life, and a much smarter choice would be to become a piano player, because I could teach and play all my life. Sorry Mom, but basketball has brought a joy to my life found nowhere else. It is who I am. I am a mover - an athlete.
Wow...I so can relate!
I just wish I had something like basketball to bring me the thrill I need in life right now.
My mother used to say the same thing. I was a team handball player. I "wasted" much of my youth playing it...but, I was good at it and it gave me discipline...and I needed it.
oh man i am jealous that you get to play ball. I miss playing with you! PS i love that picture of you!
Sara, I love seeing your blog. It's so much fun to get to read about you and your family.
I love the photo of you in your basketball uniform!!! You are so refined at church, I'd never guess you could actually foul someone! I love it!
Thanks for sharing,
Ashleigh Rose
I think it's awesome you are comfortable enough to play with all the guys. Your face in thea picture is awesome!
You are just as good as if not better than most of the guys who play. I would also say that your fouls definitely have an effect -just ask my knee ;). I enjoy it too and am glad that you're willing to come out to play.
Yes, you are! And I love the picture! I remember playing with you in middle school in leisure services...wow...that's a long time ago... You were good, and I bet you still are! I'm glad you have something that you can do that you love and break up the monotony -I know how that is! Anyway, thanks for reading my thoughts. You're welcome to read them, as long as I can read yours.
That picture made me smile for days, and now I'm back to tell you so. I always was blown away by your athletic abilities. I'm so glad you've found an outlet for them, and that it gives you a good away time as well.
(looks like you guys had a fun time in S.G., next time your down I would love to see you. I know I always say that and it never works out. But. Seriously. I mean it.)
cute blog, cuz!
Can I just say that you ROCK?!?!
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