Life doesn't stop, especially when there are kids involved. They are always doing, growing, learning, and creating. So, life goes on, and with it goes Halloween. We took a short-notice trip down to St. George the week before Halloween. Thus, we were not completely prepared, but that was easily remedied by one trip to Wal-mart. Emma didn't want to come with me to the store and when I told her we were going to pick out a Halloween costume, she told me to just to get one and surprise her. :)
We went to a ward block party where the kids got to dress up and parade around. They enjoyed that. They got to carve pumpkins with Grandpa, who is the world's best pumpkin carver. I wish I could learn this trade. I can never figure out what to cut out to make it look like I want. Trick or treating this year was so fun because the kids were so excited. I felt like it was the first year where I was trying to catch up to them instead of me nudging them along. It did help that we were in sunny St. George instead of freezing cold Lehi. They were so hyper and excited. You would have thought they had had a whole bag full of candy when in reality they had had none. Mark had to work so he missed out for the second year in a row. He'll have fun with them next year, hopefully. We went to the McDermot Mansion where the kids got to go on a spooky train ride. That thing hauled, it seems like a law suit waiting to happen - very dangerous. Anyway, by 8:00 the kids were begging to go home, which we did. And then I chowed down on candy for three days.